Best Buy has the same deal for Jam Sessions as they (and other
retailers) have on some CDs: extra songs. Which is kinda weird for a
video game; how pissed would you be if Guitar Hero 2 had special songs
you could only play if you bought it from Best Buy (or, god forbid, Gamestop)?
However, for Jam Sessions, the extra songs manifest in the form of a little sticker on the front, not unlike the "Redeem me now!" coupons I've seen on loaves of bread and other groceries. How does this work? Hilariously, you unlock the songs by entering a code in Free Play mode with the directional pad.
For bonus hilarity, what exactly is that code? If you're a gamer, you can guess it. It's even the code you might enter aimlessly in a moment of boredom. (It does nothing on the title screen of Ouendan, trust me.)
Yes, indeed, it's the good ol' Konami Code, ↑↑↓↓←→←→. (Which you might know if you'd searched for it, but since I picked up my copy just now from an actual Best Buy, I had the joy of discovering it serendipitously.)
Surely it works on copies you buy from elsewhere besides Best Buy. Let me know if you bought the game somewhere else and it does.
Konami has had a lasting influence on gamers like Neill who work at Ubisoft. (Not to say that he had anything to do with that on Jam Sessions but I know he at least wrote a Gradius clone and had it snuck into a debug build of Love Triangle Dating Challenge - activated via the Konami code.)
Posted by: fluffy | 16 September 2007 at 01:23 PM
Haha, that is terribly awesome.
Posted by: markpasc | 16 September 2007 at 11:45 PM
We never shipped Love Triangle with the Gradius minigame in it. That was just something I was screwing around with to practice on BREW.
Hell yes Konami has had a lasting influence on me, though.
Posted by: Neill | 07 December 2007 at 08:47 AM
nice dude, thanks a lot, I was getting really bored of the game, this opens up a new window of enjoyment in world of Jam Sessions. Rock On!
Posted by: ertle | 23 March 2008 at 10:42 AM
Wow! Looks pretty awesome, will have to check it out or something, thanks a lot!
Posted by: Wii | 27 October 2008 at 02:59 PM
Doesn't seem like a smart way to get people to buy it from Best Buy. People post codes like this all the time on the internet for everyone to use. But whatever, I'm not gonna complain about the extra songs. :P
Posted by: CrazyTed | 25 September 2009 at 08:07 PM