Cabel of Panic (and those Katamari shirts) on Brain Training, which is two of the top five games in Japan, as Nintendo prepares to sell Touch! Generations titles more aggressively to customers over 50. An Animal Crossing: Wild World griefer is turning strangers' gates into museums (they're called friends codes for a reason). A homebrew app to make your DS a wireless gamepad is also an excellent wardriving tool (via Make).
Most importantly, I beat Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan on super hard difficulty. w00t!
Nice. I'm stuck on the two levels just before the finale. The very end of "Shanghai Honey" kicks my ass every time after a near perfect start.
Posted by: Katrus | 25 January 2006 at 11:19 PM
Yeah, it took a while. Those two were almost harder than Ready Steady Go!
Posted by: markpasc | 27 January 2006 at 09:54 AM